Thursday, 17 December 2009

6 Degrees of Separation Essay / Artifact

The project was to write a 6 thousand word essay connecting MM Paris to Hoefler & Frere-Jones via 6 other designers.

MM Paris
Saul Bass
Gyorgy Kepes
Robert Brownjon
Andy Warhol
Hoefler & Frere-Jones

We then had to present our research in an interesting and appropriate way. I decided to create a jigsaw.

Magazine / Layouts

For this project we were given a choice of themes that we had to apply to a magazine that we would create ourselves. I chose Maximise / Minimise. I designed and structured my magazine based on this theme applying it to imagery, grids, content, etc.

For this project we were given a choice of themes that we had to apply to a magazine that we would create ourselves. I chose Maximise / Minimise. I designed and structured my magazine based on this theme applying it to imagery, grids, content, etc.